Let’s Play UK!

Let’s Play UK!
04/05/2021 Forever Beta Uploads

Let’s Play UK!


Decathlon tasked us with bringing to life their huge range of sports equipment to draw UK families into stores and help them enjoy a great summer of sport. So we decided to bring their products to life…literally

Reimagining Cyndi Lauper’s feel-good track “Girls Just Want to Have Fun”, we animated Decathlon’s wide range of sports equipment to sing a new hit “Sports Just Wanna Have Fun” in a magical TV ad. From Teegan the tent, to Bob the basketball, our advert was filled with the secret celebrities that live on Decathlon’s shelves. Plus, we created product-specific videos for social, so that our stars could have a moment in the spotlight to show off their product features and their personalities.

Everything came together under the new campaign strapline “Let’s Play UK” , encouraging people across the UK to stop worrying about the seriousness of sport and get back to the fun of playing it. “Let’s Play UK” ladders up to the new brand positioning developed by friend of the agency Tasha Gladman at Flintlock. To support the magical films, positive, colourful OOH stuffed with Decathlon products will run across the UK this summer, exclaiming “Let’s Play UK”; and the new brand line is already filling POS and signage in Decathlon stores. 

Chris Gilroy, Marketing Communications Director at Decathlon said: 

Let’s Play UK is our rallying cry across the UK, announcing that Decathlon is here and we are your number 1 destination to have fun this summer! This is a really important time for Decathlon, with over 90% of UK adults having post pandemic health and fitness goals. Our job is to help inspire them of the benefits of sport. Our unique range of over 70 sports instore and online, ensures we have something for everyone. This campaign brings to life our brand and our offering like never before. It’s fun, it’s memorable and has great energy – It’s not your typical sports brand campaign. This is Decathlon. Let’s Play UK. 

Paulo Areas, our Chief Creative Officer added: 

Sports and leisure has been crucial to us during this challenging time, and as the world starts to open consumers are not going to forget that this a key form of escapism and fun pastime. The work reflects the customer journey in a humorous and entertaining way, we wanted to keep the sense of joy from sports throughout the work but also communicate that Decathlon offers a huge amount of quality sporting goods.