Powering the nation’s passion

Powering the nation’s passion
25/07/2019 Billy

Powering the nation’s passion


1 nation’s passion powered by technology

Google Cloud and The FA are kickstarting a brand new partnership to supercharge the digital transformation of English football.

The FA are putting G-Suite at the heart of everything they do off the pitch to drive a culture of collaboration and inclusivity. On the paddock they are integrating Google Cloud products into their training facilities at St George’s Park, chiefly in the building of a Player Profile System. This revolutionary tech will analyse a whole host of data points from 2000+ elite England players to inform every aspect of their training; from form to which way to dive for penalties.

Working with Google Cloud in San Francisco and London as well as The FA, we developed launch material to announce the partnership. We filled the screens at Brighton Stadium during the Lionesses game against New Zealand and developed a launch film for Google Cloud’s online channels. We also produced a suite of assets for Google’s internal launch of the announcement.

This is just the beginning of an exciting multi year partnership and we’re excited to see what the future holds for English football.