Hospitality Rising

Hospitality Rising
24/10/2022 Forever Beta Uploads

Hospitality Rising


Hospitality Rising is a movement that aims to address the negative perception of the hospitality sector amongst young people. With the ambition of doubling the amount of people considering a job in the sector, Forever Beta delivered a recruitment campaign to reframe the sector by showing its target audience of younger workers that a career in hospitality is anything but boring. Instead, the campaign positions it as an exhilarating career path that is fun, energetic, collaborative and all about teamwork.

The campaign is running across digital, cinema, OOH and social. 

Mark McCulloch, Founder of Hospitality Rising, said: “The pandemic has hit many industries particularly hard, and young people have also felt the effects. They are desperate to socialise and look towards the future. Hospitality is a great industry where people can come together. This campaign breaks the perception that hospitality is a stop gap and shows all the opportunities and career growth that can be possible. Partnering with such a star studded agency list has given us the ability to communicate on a large scale how rewarding it can be to be part of something collaborative and bigger than yourself.” 

Paulo Areas, Creative Chief Officer at Forever Beta, noted: “Hospitality is an exciting and unpredictable career. It offers flexibility, freedom and fast-paced career progression but mostly, it is not boring like sitting on a desk from 9 to 5, and that is the most appealing argument to enlist young people. Our campaign highlights the fun aspect of this friendship economy, and how it develops youngsters’ people skills. We have delivered a fresh and colourful visual code that is not like any other recruitment campaign and that pushes back on the negative and focuses on the aspirational and positive aspect of working in hospitality.” At the end, we want people to feel proud of working here. 

See the case study for more info: