Don’t call it Cookies!

Don’t call it Cookies!
25/03/2022 Forever Beta Uploads

Don’t call it Cookies!


For too long the word ‘Cookies’ has been confusing children into giving away their data online without thinking, so we’re taking a stand. Our campaign ‘Don’t call it Cookies’ puts a stop to this misleading terminology with a custom plug-in and Chrome extension that replaces the term ‘Cookies’ with what they really are: ‘data collectors’. 


We didn’t think that the Government’s recent Online Advertising Programme consultation went far enough to protect children’s privacy, particularly in the case of ‘Cookies’.

So, to both highlight the issue and help solve it, we have created a new plug-in that businesses can use to automatically change the term ‘Cookies’ to the more accurate (less yummy-sounding) ‘data collectors’. Because what child would say no to a Cookie? 


The plug-in can be easily downloaded by businesses at our microsite, and we’re proactively approaching websites that target children to push them to make the switch. 


Coming soon is a Chrome extension that automatically changes ‘Cookies’ to ‘data collectors’ across all websites so that parents can help their children make informed decisions to keep their data safe online. 


And, most importantly, we have set up a petition to push the Government to ban the misleading use of the word ‘Cookies’. 


The idea for this campaign came from a conversation between our CCO Paulo and his young daughter about why something as serious as data collection has such a delicious name. 


Chief Creative Officer Paulo Areas said: “We all leave a digital footprint behind us when we go online, but as adults, we are responsible for our acts and decisions. Children, on the other hand, shouldn’t be misled into giving up their data without fully understanding the impact it will bring on their lives. Through this campaign we are aiming to empower the next generation to make informed decisions about who they share their data with online & restore the word ‘Cookies’ to its original chocolaty goodness. ”

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